Who are we

The Founders

Guo An

Spent half a year working as a diplomat in one of the strongest nation under a psychotic slave driver boss. Despite living a high strung life, he found it in his will that is hanging by a thread to found the first ever world class assisted living in the mountains.


Meet our burnt-out consultant - the superstar of the consulting world, with a track record of success and a brain sharper than a tack. She's worked for the best of the best and traveled the world, but years of non-stop work have left her ready for a new adventure.


Introducing our brand marketing manager, who slays both the gym and the runway! She's a fitness enthusiast with a love for all things drag - a powerhouse of creativity and confidence that's sure to revolutionise the face of assisted living.

Zee Hsin Min

Get ready to meet our trailblazing founder and entrepreneur - a true powerhouse of women's empowerment. She's got brains, beauty, and a bold attitude that's taking the business world by storm. With her passion and drive, she's breaking down barriers and paving the way for seniors assisted living home.

Felicia Lim

Introducing our digital marketing guru, who's got a love for both music and man's best friend! With her sharp skills and passion for creativity, she's the perfect match for any brand looking to rock the digital world. Get ready to jam out and bridge the gap between

The Origins

At our assisted living community, we are more than just a business – we are a family. Our story begins with four friends who shared a dream of creating a better life for their elderly parents. We were inspired by their own experiences with the challenges of finding quality care for their loved ones and were determined to do something about it.

Our journey began with a simple idea: to build a home where our parents could receive the highest quality care, in an environment that was both comfortable and welcoming. They pooled their resources and knowledge, and with the help of medical professionals and caregivers, they built a state-of-the-art assisted living home that would provide exceptional care to its residents.

Throughout the process, we encountered many challenges and setbacks, but our love for our parents and their commitment to creating a better life for them kept us going. 

Over time, the home became much more than just a place for our parents to receive care – it became a warm and welcoming community, filled with laughter, love, and joy. We watched as our parents made meaningful connections with other residents and caregivers, forming lasting friendships and finding renewed purpose and happiness.

Our journey taught them the importance of community, compassion, and dedication to providing the highest quality care. Today, the home is a thriving business, a testament to the power of friendship and the impact that a group of committed individuals can have on the lives of those around them. 

At our assisted living community, we continue to embody the values and spirit that inspired our founders. We are committed to providing exceptional care and creating a warm and welcoming environment for our residents, just as if they were our own parents. Our residents are not just clients – they are family, and we treat them as such. We welcome you to join our family and experience the difference that our commitment and passion can make in the lives of our residents.

We look forward to your stay.